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31 October 2013

All Saints Day...

... is tomorrow, Friday. It is a Holy Day of Obligation and we should all be at Holy Mass. Mass will be celebrated at St Wilfrid's at 9.45am, and 7.30pm. Let's leave the ugliness of much contemporary 'celebration' of Hallowe'en behind and celebrate the beauty of heaven, as we....

... keep the festival of Your holy city,
the heavenly Jerusalem, our mother.
Around Your throne the saints,
our brothers and sisters,
sing Your praise for ever.
Their glory fills us with joy,
and their communion with us in Your Church
gives us inspiration and strength
as we hasten on our pilgrimage of faith,
eager to meet them.
Preface of All Saints
As it is Solemnity, there is no Friday abstinence tomorrow. Happy feast!