As today is the traditional date of the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, I though it worth reflecting on these words. Of, course, we now have a statue of Our Lady as well as the lovely icon in the Lady Chapel pictured below.I have always encouraged devotions to the Eucharist and Our Blessed Lady – we often had hymn practices as part of our Sunday devotions for about five to ten minutes. In Grimsby we always had a weekly devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. I contacted the Redemptorists in Birmingham and a Father Harris came to preach a novena – our intention was a new church for Coalville.
This novena was still going on upon my departure from Coalville. The reason why there is a picture of Our Lady, rather than a statue, is due to her gift to the community of a new church.
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27 June 2011
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
Fr Balfe's notes published in the jubilee edition of St Wilfrid's Word, contain these words: