You will have heard on the news and read in the Catholic Press that there will be an Extraordinary Synod on the Family in Rome in 2014. The Church is listening widely to people's experience of family life to help prepare for the Synod. Because of my imminent change of parish I have not been able to spend the time I would have wished talking to people about this.
I would like to draw your attention to this which tells you more about the whole process. You can also access the relevant questionnaire through the page to which the link takes you. If you respond to the questionnaire you will find that some of the questions are rather daunting. Don't panic! There is no obligation to answer every question. Feel free to respond to the questions where you feel that you have something important to share, and simply leave the rest.
May God bless us as we work with his Church to enrich the sort of family life which will bring healing and hope to our society.
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