On Tuesday
13 May there will be an opportunity to experience ‘a taste of Hinduism’ at St
Patrick's Parish Centre on Beaumont Leys Lane in Leicester (LE4 2BD) between
7pm and 9pm. There will
be speakers from both Christian and Hindu traditions, plenty of opportunity to
ask questions, and an invitation to sample typical Hindu food. According to the 2011 census 2% of
the population of the East Midlands identify as Hindus with the greatest
concentration in Leicester at 15%. There will be Hindu children in many of our
Catholic schools so this event should be of interest to school staff and
governors as well as to clergy and lay Catholics interested in gaining a better
understanding of our neighbours. If you would like to attend please
notify Patricia Stoat on pmstoat@gmail.com or by phone on 0115 950 9773 [leave a
message]. Our caterers need to know how many people are coming !! We hope to
run a further evening introducing Islam and Muslims in June and this will take
place in Nottingham. Canon Edward Jarosz on behalf of the Diocesan
Interreligious Relations Group.