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28 September 2015

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Justice and Peace Fieldworker

24 hours per week [including some evening and weekend working]
Salary: £14,500pa 
The Justice and Peace Commission is a group of clergy and lay volunteers commissioned by the Bishop of Nottingham to promote Catholic action for social and economic justice, and for peace, throughout the Diocese. The Commission meets three times each year, usually in Nottingham.
The Fieldworker is employed by the Diocese of Nottingham to support and develop the work of the Commission. The post is currently funded for two years.
The Fieldworker is based at Willson House, Derby Road, Nottingham NG1 5AW.

Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Wednesday 7th October 2015.
If you would like an informal discussion about the post please contact Liz Doona
liz.doona@ntlworld.com or call her on 01773 785 196

Click here to download application details