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06 March 2021

Prepare the future WORKSHOP | Nottingham Diocese

 Diocese of Nottingham

Prepare the Future: workshop 4
Building parishes of welcome, listening and hope
Thursday 18 March 2021

3.00 - 4.30pm on Zoom

People from about 20 parishes gathered for the last Prepare the Future workshop.  They found it so useful that we were asked to make it a regular thing.   Here is the kind of thing they said after the last one:

  • 'Good to hear what others are doing and share our own experiences, and seek advice'
  • 'Excellent...meeting us where we are at the moment'
  • 'Helps me discern what a way forward for our parish might be'

Among the issues we'll cover at the workshop are the following:

  • Establishing a telephone befriending service, as described above
  • Developing a toolkit to help you navigate safeguarding, data protection and other requirements
  • Building a new census or database for the post-pandemic missionary parish 
  • Reaching out with minority ethnic and diaspora communities in our parishes
  • Exploring a model for mutual aid and practical support for families and individuals, rooted in Catholic social teaching
Let us know which of these are of most interest to you when you sign up.  We look forward to meeting you!