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02 June 2021

Upcoming CAFOD Events

We want to celebrate with you all, our wonderful volunteers across England & Wales, with a month full of online events. Join in from your laptop, tablet or phone and invite family, friends and fellow parishioners to come along.

Register to individual events below:

Mini workshop: Great photos – Capture your volunteering stories

Thursday, 3 June 7:00pm-8:00pm

Learn how to take great photos to show the amazing volunteer activities you do, from bake sales, to walking for water and everything in between! The session will be presented by Louise Norton CAFOD Senior Content producer.

Register to join us.


Mini workshop: Great photos – Capture your volunteering stories

Friday, 4 June 12:00pm-1:00pm

Watch on catch up – This is a repeat session.

Register to join us.


Fairtrade and climate change- how is it linked?

Tuesday, 8 June 7:00pm-8:00pm

Coffee, cocoa, bananas and many other products we rely on come from small farms in countries already badly affected by climate change. Join Adam Gardner, Head of Campaigns at the Fairtrade Foundation as he shares the link between climate change and the products we buy and how Fairtrade aims to create better prices, decent working conditions and local sustainability.

Register to join us.


Fairtrade and climate change- how is it linked?

Thursday, 10 June 12:00pm-1:00pm

Watch on catch up – This is a repeat session.

Register to join us.


Climate Sunday Mass with Bishop John Arnold

Sunday, 13 June

For details check the Cathedral website: http://www.salfordcathedral.co.uk/


Cooking and Climate Change: Ethiopia special

Thursday, 17 June 1:00pm-2:00pm

Join CAFOD as we cook up a tasty Ethiopian dish with Connor Molloy providing an insight into the link with between the results of climate change and food security.

Register to join us.


Cooking and Climate Change: Ethiopia special

Friday, 18 June 7:00pm-8:00pm

Watch on catch up – This is a repeat session.

Register to join us.


Tales from the G7

Tuesday, 22 June 6:30pm-7:30pm

Meet our G7 young people's delegation, fresh from their trip to Cornwall to campaign, unite and learn alongside the G7 conference.

Register to join us.


Volunteers Round Table

Wednesday, 23 June 7:00pm-8:00pm

Meet with other volunteers on zoom to reflect on the last year, share our experiences and look forward to the future.

Register on Eventbrite to reserve your place and you will be sent a link to zoom closer to the date.


Volunteer Forum

Thursday, 1 July 6:30pm-7:30pm

Hear from CAFOD Director Christine Allen and Head of Advocacy, Communication and Education Neil Thorns about CAFOD's challenges, joys and achievements of the past year and about our hopes for the future. Followed by mass.

Register to join us.


Volunteers Mass with Fr Mark Odion

Thursday, 1 July 7:30pm-8:30pm

Join us for a special Volunteer's Mass celebrated by Fr Mark Odion, to give thanks for our wonderful volunteers who have given so much to support our sisters and brothers around the world.

Register to join us.


And finally …A Big Thank You for all your generous help during the past year.