With the trials and challenges over the last 18 months, we are so grateful that we have still been able to meet together to celebrate the Eucharist. Due to the efforts of our wonderful stewards, we have now been open with restrictions in place for nearly a year.
Our COVID restrictions are changing from this weekend (24th/25th July). The information below explains how we’re taking a step in the right direction, whilst staying alert to the changing situation around us and ensuring the safety of all of you who are attending. These measures will be reviewed regularly and the volunteers who compile the risk assessment paperwork will be checking the data for our local area every week.
You no longer need to book for Mass
We simply ask that you wear a mask if possible, sanitise your hands and sign in using the sheet or QR code. We know that masks are not compulsory but we encourage you to wear one for the moment, for the safety and comfort of all parishioners.
We’re confident that in opening all benches, all parishioners will be able to find a space that feels comfortable for them.
We also have sheets that state, ‘please leave this space empty’ for parishioners to place next to them if they wish to distance a little more.
The stewards will no longer be directing you, so you can take your own seats, make your own way to Holy Communion and leave when you would like.
We are no longer operating a one-way system and you can enter and leave through any of the doors at the back.
We will be keeping all doors open during Mass, as good ventilation is proven to be effective in reducing risk.
The stewards will still be cleaning high risk areas
We are limiting risks in other areas by having no holy water, no sign of peace, and by keeping the collection basket in the porch as you enter.
Another welcomed change is that we can sing again! To be as safe as possible, we ask that you wear a mask if you wish to sing.
You will now be able to take a hymn book and we will have separate sets for Saturday night and Sunday morning, allowing them all to be set aside for a week.
At Holy Communion, we ask that you form one line in the middle as we have been doing recently and use the tape on the floor as a guide for distancing.
Thank you all for your continued support and cooperation over these last 2 years - it has meant that we have been able to safely keep our parish open. We will continue to keep you updated when any further changes come in. If you have any questions, feel free to chat to Fr Gabriel, Sue or one of the stewards. Thank you!