This process though starting in Rome thoroughly begins in your local parish, school or chaplaincy. Every Catholic community is invited to meet together and listen to one another and the Holy Spirit reflecting on how we can be more focused on being a missionary Church. One that makes Christ present to all peoples in all places. As a diocese we are inviting each Catholic community to reflect on their dream for the Church and how to make that a reality. To not only listen to the leaders in parishes/chaplaincies/schools but to all especially those at the margin of our community.
This process is not about gathering data for Rome. We aren't going to ask parishes, schools and chaplaincies to do this great work and then wait nearly two years to hear what is said in Rome. We want to see these communities listen to the Holy Spirit and then be empowered into action. We will invite each parish to make concrete commitments that they will get to work on straight away. It is our hope that Pentecost 2022 can be a wonderful celebration of all the great things that have started to happen in our diocese.
So how do we begin?
As a diocese we are encourage the process to happen at the most local level possible; in our parishes, chaplaincies and schools. We encourage you to contact your parish priest, headteacher or chaplain and speak with him or her about how you can get involved. If you are not connected to a Catholic community in the diocese you will still be able to add your thoughts to the local listening process and we will be shortly launching an online portal to do this. please check this page soon.