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14 November 2021

SYNOD 2021-2023 | Our parish meetings so far

Thank you to all those who came along to our first parish synod meeting last Monday. And thank you to those who took the time to share your ideas when you couldn't make it.

These were our key ideas and questions:
  • We spoke about how we can refocus and make Jesus the centre of all we do in our parish.

  • We considered ways we can provide adults with an opportunity to deepen their faith. We are hoping to run evenings where we can socialise and deepen our faith together.

  • We spoke about how there is a definite need for community and discussed what more we could do to facilitate this, both for those attending Mass at the moment and in our wider community. Is there a way to better organise bringing to church those who are unable to drive?

  • We discussed how we can better communicate with our parish school, St Clare’s and reach those Catholic families who attend other local schools.

  • We asked ourselves: How can we better welcome families, young people and those who feel marginalised in to our parish community? We are looking at participating in Diocesan steward renewal training and are working on a new approach to First Communion Sacramental preparation.

  • We discussed the potential for creating a parish pastoral council where the ministries in the parish are represented by individuals who come together in regular meetings, to plan and discuss parish life and activities and to discuss any issues facing our community.

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on Monday 22nd November at 7pm, where we will be discussing the following:

1) As a parish do we know who the people are who are marginalised or separated from the parish and society?

2) Suggest at least two identifiable ways (an immediate action and a long term change) in which, as a parish, we will reach out to, and listen to, the marginalised or separated.

Please spread the word! If you cannot make the next meeting, feel free to share your thoughts by speaking to Fr after Mass, dropping Sue a message or emailing stwilfsnews@gmail.com.