Welcome to our parish website. All newsletters and other updates are posted on the home page. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @stwilfholycross. We are beginning the amalgamation process with Holy Cross, Whitwick so you can find information on new Mass times here.

21 December 2021

Christmas at St Wilfrid's

 Christmas at St. Wilfrid's

We are delighted that we will be able to celebrate the Lord's coming with you this Christmas with Mass in church. Below are all the dates we will be open for Mass.

Find more about what we're doing to keep you safe on our Christmas page and COVID updates page. 

There is no need to book, but please be aware that once we reach capacity it may be necessary to ask people to attend another Mass.

Since the obligation to attend Mass has not yet been reinstated, if you do not feel safe to attend Mass at this time, please remain at home and join us in prayer. Below are some links for where you can watch Mass online. 

Here are a few places you can watch Mass:

St Alban's, Derby (with Fr David Cain)

Sacred Heart, Leicester (with Fr John Lally)

Nottingham Cathedral, St Barnabas

Holy Cross Priory, Leicester

The Catholic Shrine of our Lady, Walsingham

St Brendan's Church, Corby (Facebook live stream)