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30 January 2022

Upcoming changes to our COVID procedures

These changes will be in place from Monday 31st Jan

Since the government have reverted back to Plan A, the team who have been sorting out the necessary paperwork for the last 18 months have met together to review the guidance from the Diocese and the government. Some things have remained the same, and some things are changing. 

What is remaining the same?

  • We will be encouraging parishioners and visitors to continue to wear face masks if possible and sanitise your hands on arrival. 
  • We will be continuing to leave all benches open so that all parishioners can find a space that is comfortable for them. There are still plenty of 'please keep this space free' signs for those who would like to place one next to them.
  • We are continuing to keep the doors open for ventilation to keep the air flow.
  • We will continue to use a wave, instead of a hand shake, at the Sign of Peace. 
  • The church will be thoroughly cleaned once a week.
The science tells us that face coverings over the nose and mouth, and good ventilation are the best ways to reduce the risk of transmission.  

What is changing?

  • We will no longer be requiring you to sign in. There is no longer a requirement for track and trace. 
  • Holy Water will be available again by the door for those who would like to bless themselves with it. This is optional depending on how comfortable you feel. 
  • We can have our choir and instrumentalists back to provide the music for our liturgies.
  • Weekday Mass will begin again in the Oratory. Please see the newsletter and our Mass times page for dates and times. 
  • We can begin to use the Fr Balfe room for more social events. Keep an eye on the newsletter for when tea and coffee after Mass begins again.