Welcome to our parish website. All newsletters and other updates are posted on the home page. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @stwilfholycross. We are beginning the amalgamation process with Holy Cross, Whitwick so you can find information on new Mass times here.

02 October 2022

Amalgamation Meeting Summary

From Saturday 8th October 2022, we will be beginning our amalgamation with Holy Cross, Whitwick. Fr Gabriel will begin to say Mass at Holy Cross as well as at St Wilfrid's. Therefore, there is a new Mass timetable commencing from Saturday 8th October. Please see our Mass times page for more information. 

The summary from our amalgamation meeting on Wednesday 21st September

The Meeting was opened with a prayer led by Father Gabriel and we began discussion on various topics, outlined below, with a view to work together and share resources and expertise. The meeting took place in light of the current situation we find ourselves in the Catholic Church in the UK, where Mass attendance is falling, the number of priests in falling and yet the number of church buildings remains largely the same.

The following was decided about Weekend Mass times:

Saturday evening at 6:00 p.m.          -   Holy Cross, Whitwick

Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m.           -  St Wilfrid's, Coalville

Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m.          -   Holy Cross, Whitwick

Weekday Masses:

Monday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m.  -   St Wilfrid's, Coalville and

Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 a.m. -   Holy Cross, Whitwick

(Confessions can take place by arrangement with Father Gabriel or after Mass) 

Mass Times for Holy Days of Obligation will, as far as possible, comply with the arrangements implemented for both Churches  but, as with the Masses and Services for Christmas and Easter, they will be announced and confirmed in the Newsletter and on our website at the appropriate time.

Father Gabriel will carry out Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals in either Church as requested.

Fr Gabriel is intending to contact St Clare`s and Holy Cross Schools to discuss
Mass times and anything else they require direct with them.

Lay Leadership and Communicationbringing people together.

  • Formation of a Parish Council

  • Justice and Peace Group

  • Eucharistic Ministers/Sacramental preparation

  • Music

  • Readers

The formation of a Parish Council has been deferred to a later date.

Sheets containing the other headings were completed by parishioners willing to join the various groups and ministries.

Administrative Support

  • Finance Committee

  • Buildings – care and consideration of future use. Gary Freeman (Whitwick) said he has experience in the care of buildings.  Therefore, Jamie Reeson (Coalville) will liaise with him in due course.

Pastoral Care

  • Hospital and Nursing Homes Father Gabriel will visit, upon receiving a request  from family members of those Parishioners resident in a Nursing Home/Hospital, or by arrangement.

Small Working Party.

  • This is made up of three Parishioners from each Church, to whom thanks were expressed.  They are:-

Gary Freeman, Clare Turland and Margaret Woodiwiss from Holy Cross

               Lynda Durcan, Sandra Kendrick and Jamie Reeson from St Wilfrid's

They will, as soon as practicable, contact those parishioners who have signed the various sheets, to initially implement the structural changes and finalise the formation of the various Groups/Ministries which will form part of the merging parishes.

Any other Business.

The Items which have been discussed this evening were placed on the agenda as a result of the literature supplied at the two Deanery Meetings/Road Shows at Sacred Heart, Loughborough.  

However, it is recognised that other groups/ministries will be required to assist with the smooth running of the newly formed Parish: 

Website/social media communications, Safe-Guarding, Gift Aid Organisers, Tellers, Preparation of the Newsletter (one only) Altar Servers, Flower Arrangers, Cleaners, Church Linen/Laundry, Tea and Coffee rotas, children's liturgy

The proposal is for copies of the sheets which have been signed this evening to be placed in the church porches and for younger people to be encouraged to become involved in the spiritual and community life of the newly formed parish by signing up to partake in, and join, at least, one of the groups/ministries.

The sheets will then be handed to the Working Party to enable them to commence the process of bringing everyone together and finalising their participation and rotas.

Jamie Reeson read out a set of Statistics confirming the Shortage of Priests and the drop in Mass Attendance over number of years.

Father Gabriel closed the meeting at 9:15 p.m. with a prayer and a blessing.