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15 September 2009

Home Mission Sunday - 20th October

Pope Paul VI in 1975 in his Exhortation ‘Announcing the Gospel,’ said that the first stage of evangelisation – of bringing the Gospel to others – is witness. Witness means allowing the Gospel which we have come to believe, and which has brought us into a relationship with Jesus Christ, to speak through our actions. We cannot hope to bring the Gospel to others if we have not first of all allowed the Gospel to transform our lives. Our life then becomes a clear statement of our faith. This is witness. But, Pope Paul went on to write, that witness, at a certain point, has to be able to ‘give an account of the hope that is in us’. It has to be able to speak the name of Jesus, and to give witness to how He has transformed our lives.

More about Home Mission Sunday

For younger people

More about the Catholic faith for enquirers