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12 March 2010

The Children, Schools and Families Bill - Bishop Malcolm comments

You may be aware that there is a lot of controversy about the Children, Schools and Families Bill which is working its way through parliament. Some pressure groups who are opposed to Catholic (or indeed any faith) teaching, insist that if faith schools teach about relationships in accordance with their beliefs, this will somehow lead to 'discrimination' or 'intolerance' of groups who do not share our outlook.
Bishop Malcolm has recently commented on this concern in an article which you can find in the Times Online, or on the Catholic Church in England and Wales site.
Teaching the truth does not lead to bullying , intolerance or discrimination, as this paragraph from our bishop's article makes very clear:
OfSTED inspections demonstrate that pupil attitudes, behaviour, relations with others, respect for other people and acceptance of the responsibilities of living in a community were excellent or very good in a much greater proportion of Catholic schools than other schools. 61% of Catholic schools were judged excellent or very good in ensuring respect for other people compared to 43% of other schools in England. Similarly, 55% of Catholic schools were judged as excellent/very good in keeping pupils free from bullying, racism or harassment, compared to only 44% of schools nationally. That’s one of the major reasons why so many parents decide to send their children to Catholic schools in the first place.