This is an opportune time to share this as we have an appeal from the St Barnabas Society this coming weekend. The society provides assistance to clergy from other churches who give up home and income to join the Catholic Church. I never needed their financial support, but I was very grateful for their interest and the supportive letters and phone calls I received from them during the exciting and daunting time in the mid 1990's when I made this journey. For some of my friends, their financial support has been a real lifeline. I know you will be generous as always.
Welcome to our parish website. All newsletters and other updates are posted on the home page. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @stwilfholycross. We are beginning the amalgamation process with Holy Cross, Whitwick so you can find information on new Mass times here.
01 November 2011
An interesting find
The building work has provided an opportunity and incentive to go through some of the historic paperwork at Church, to shred what is no longer needed, and to reorganise what we do need. In this process I came across a pastoral letter from Bishop McGuinness read on the first weekend of July 1995. I was sitting in the benches at St Wilfrid's that weekend and well remember Father Hannigan reading it. Those who know my history will appreciate what encouragement I found in it.