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18 December 2011

More about silence

Following a recent post, I was interested to read the following in the newsletter of  St Mary's, Loughborough:

Following some recent observations from some Parishioners, we are trying to make it possible to experience before, during and after Mass some peace and quiet in the church. To help with this, we are going to make a ‘Sh-shsh-sh’ sound over the microphones about four minutes before Mass starts as a sign that we need to prepare ourselves for the most sacred act we can offer to God. We also hope that talking will be kept to a reasonable level in church so as to allow those who wish to pray, to do so. Children will need to be taught these lessons by their parents and we hope that the First Communion classes will also build up this sense of reverence in the building of the church of which Jesus said: “My house shall be called a house of Prayer."

As I peruse pastoral letters, newsletters, and listen to bishops, priests, and faithful, prayerful people, I am more and more convinced that God is calling the Church to take this subject seriously. I seem to come across such calls wherever I look. This isn't just one of Father's funny ideas!!

How often we will sing of silence in our Christmas hymns!

How silently, how silently,
the wondrous gift is given!
So God imparts to human hearts
the blessings of his heaven.

Silent night....

I love a less well-known carol where one verse ends...
And ever over its Babel sounds
The blessèd angels sing.
and the next challenges us:
O hush the noise, ye men of strife
And hear the angels sing.