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20 January 2013

Do whatever he tells you

I am reflecting back over this weekend. We have had a lot of snow, and it has been difficult getting around.

I  am thinking back over the Masses and other parish activities this weekend. I am filled with gratitude that everything has happened as we had planned in spite of the conditions. Altar servers and musicians were in their places as usual so that Holy Mass could be celebrated reverently. The young people who are approaching the Sacrament of Confirmation were all there for their 'Rite of Election' prior to the great day on February 8th. Our children who are preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion were brought through the snow by their parents for Mass and their session afterwards. The planned Baptism took place though the family came from the highest village in the parish. Holy Communion was taken to the sick as usual. Perhaps most moving of all, I was overwhelmed by the number of our elderly and infirm parishioners who braved the conditions and were with us to worship God at his altar.

Today we heard our Lady say to us: 'Do whatever he tells you.' As I look back, I am filled with gratitude that so many did just that and heard the call of her Son : "Do this...."