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23 February 2013

You are Living Stones update

On Monday 18th February, Bishop Malcolm met with the priests of the Diocese in Nottingham. This meeting is the latest stage in the 'You are Living Stones' consultation. The Bishop has asked priests to publish four documents from that meeting:
Bishop's presentation - Slideshow
Bishop's presentation - Script
Parish Statistics
Proposed Parochial Structures
With regard to the last document the word 'proposed' is important.  No decisions have yet been made about linking parishes or retaining their current formation. The Bishop’s Council’s proposal which Bishop Malcolm presented last Monday is only one stage in a longer period of discernment.

We will hear more about this at Mass on the 3rd weekend of Lent, 2nd/3rd March. Then there will be specific questions that the Bishop will address to each parish: I am planning to seek your response by means of a questionnaire. There will also be a special Deanery Meeting at De Lisle College, Loughborough, on Wednesday 13th March at 7.00pm. The Bishop has asked that all priests, deacons, religious, chairs of parish pastoral councils and head teachers of Catholic schools in the deanery should be invited, and that a further open invitation should be issued to all parishioners in the deanery so that any who wish to attend may do so.