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27 August 2013

I have a dream

Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King made his famous speech on his dream for civil rights for all in the United States. As I have heard the speech replayed on radio and TV over these last couple of weeks, it has challenged me to articulate my dream for our parish as we return from our holidays and ‘get back to normal.’ This is what I came up with very quickly without prolonged thought, simply typing as things came to mind.

I have a dream...
that we will all gather for Mass every Sunday, and not only when it suits us.
that we will prepare for Sunday Mass by study of the readings during the week and by quiet prayer when we arrive at Church.
that we will stay and meet each other in greater numbers over a cuppa after Mass and build up our community life.
that meeting the Lord in word, sacrament, and each other will send us out changed in our attitudes and ready to challenge the attitudes of society.
that this change in our attitudes will move us to work generously for justice and peace locally, nationally, and worldwide.
that we will reflect on our lives regularly and use the sacrament of reconciliation when necessary.
that we will pray every day and come to Mass in greater numbers on weekdays.
that we will use opportunities to find out more about our faith when these are offered in the parish, through the diocese, and elsewhere.
that we realise that events and meetings are not just for other people.
that we will all feel part of the Body of Christ in our parish.
that we will care for each other, especially the sick, bereaved, lonely, and disadvantaged, in our parish community and throughout our locality.
that the young and the old will be equally valued in our parish life.
that we will care for our buildings, our finances, share the tasks that keep our parish life going, and not assume that A N Other will do it.
that we will share our love of Jesus, our faith, the Mass, the Church with all we meet, and invite them to share that love.
Do you share my dream?
Have I left out anything important?
How can we make the dream become a reality at St Wilfrid’s?