Last Thursday
parishioners from Holy Cross, St Joseph’s, St Patrick’s, St Thomas More and
Blessed Sacrament met to discuss the 2015 March for Life, which is taking place
on Saturday 16th May, starting at St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham, led
by Archbishop Bernard Longley, from 12 noon onwards. We hope that many
more from these churches and others will join us on the march. The march
is across Birmingham city centre and less than a mile long. We aim to
arrange a coach from Leicester (aiming for fare £8-£13 per person depending on
numbers) and now we need you to tell us that you would like to come! Can
you spare a few hours in prayerful, peaceful defence of unborn babies in danger
of abortion? Families
welcome! Jot your name down on the list at the back of church.
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