Welcome to our parish website. All newsletters and other updates are posted on the home page. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @stwilfholycross. We are beginning the amalgamation process with Holy Cross, Whitwick so you can find information on new Mass times here.

21 March 2021

♰ HOLY WEEK and EASTER OCTAVE Masses and Liturgies

♰ Information for Holy Week and Easter Octave 

We are so grateful that we will be able to celebrate Holy Week and Easter together in church this year

Please book a place for any Masses or liturgies that are held in church. You can book at www.massbooking.uk and further booking information is on our 'COVID-19 Updates' page. 

Before making a booking for multiple services, please be mindful of the limited capacity and allowing others to attend at this holy time of year. If you cannot book a place for Good Friday at 3pm, there will be Stations of the Cross in church at 10am too.

You can watch Wednesday's Chrism Mass from Nottingham Cathedral using this link: http://stbarnabascathedral.org.uk/